Santa’s Grotto at Chessington Garden Centre

Santa’s Grotto at Chessington Garden Centre

There’s a wonderful sense of nostalgia at Christmas time which makes it our favourite time of year. There’s obviously a desire to create even more magical memories every year, especially for our baby. This year we were so excited to visit Chessington Garden Centre’s Santa’s Grotto with our little one. There’s a really jolly feel from the moment you enter, with cuddly snowmen singing, and dancing elves to greet you.

Promptly ushered into the Creation Room by Elves, the journey through the Grotto begins.The kids get to fill a bauble with their Christmas wish and endless sparkly confetti.

It was a lovely activity which seemed to be perfect for all ages groups. It seemed to be an absolute favourite for our 18 month old. He genuinely didn’t want to leave. Give a baby a room full of endless glitter and it’s no wonder really! After a bit of coaxing we managed to get him out, but we couldn’t convinvce him to close his baubel. So he sprinkled a trail of magical sparkle with every step, leaving a trail through the grotto.

The displays at Chessington Garden Centre are so phenomenal. It just leaves you feeling happy as you walk through hearing singing reindeer and snowmen.

There’s so much to see, that we were in awe, just as much as our little one.

Imagine being able to walk into a room full of gold. Aladdin’s cave is like a dream come true. It’s totally spectacular.

Walking through the enchanted forest, there are just so many beautiful Christmas trees with quirky animals amongst them. Through to the Frozen section you can hear the snowmen singing whilst you sit on a Unicorn bench, and looking up at the giant, larger than life Polar Bear. There’s plenty of photo opportunities along the way and a chance to pose with the characters from Frozen.

The Elves take you into see Santa, as friendly as he was our little one was a bit cautious this year. To be fair it was only the second time to meet, but he was quite happy to accept his token for the toy shop. Having swiftly thanked Santa he ran into the toy shop.

The joy seeing his little eyes light up getting to choose any gift from the toy shop was lovely. Having a quick browse he quite quickly picked a toy car and could barely wait to open it.

Chessington Garden Centre has such a wonderful Santa’s Grotto and we really can’t wait to go back next year.

Be sure to check it out!

Chessington Garden Centre, Leatherhead Rd, Chessington KT9 2NG

*Disclaimer- Concierge Angel were complimentary guests of Chessington Garden Centre however all views and images belong to Concierge Angel.

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