Join the Concierge Angel Wedding & Event Supplier Directory

Concierge Angel is a dynamic global directory for organising special occasions, wonderful weddings and exclusive events. Don’t be a hidden gem, and enable greater visibility of your business. Registration is really simple and takes less than five minutes. Each listing will be reviewed prior to going live, to ensure all listings are high quality. Listings will be live within 7 working days.

Get listed and take advantage of being featured in the Concierge Angel directory and across Concierge Angel’s social media, with a reach of up to a quarter of a million a month.

*This page is best viewed on a desktop, however if you are on a mobile or tablet please click on the Mobile view.

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*Payments will be made securely via Paypal in GBP(£) and prices in USD($) EUR (€) are approximate based on conversion rates – last updated 20/1/21

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