Terms & Conditions
NOTICE: Please read these terms and conditions, as they set out the terms under which Concierge Angel (also known as conciergeangel.com, conciergeangel.co.uk), together with all facilities in or linked to its websites (conciergeangel.com, conciergeangel.co.uk) is made available to you. These Terms and Conditions apply to all Business Owners and visitors to the sites (conciergeangel.com, conciergeangel.co.uk) and by using and registering with Concierge Angel you agree to have read, fully understood and agree to the terms and conditions stated.
Definitions: Business Owner – business or individual/s from the respective business who interacts with Concierge Angel via the website, emails, listings or any other means Listings – an advertisement placed/initiated by the Business Owner on the website (conciergeangel.com, conciergeangel.co.uk) Packages – Pricings for groups of services offered by Concierge Angel Concierge Angel may be used interchangeably when referring to www.conciergeangel.com and www.conciergeangel.co.uk
General: 1. Concierge Angel will not conduct business with any Business owners in countries under sanctions by the United Nations (UN). Any free and/or paid listings on the website will be removed without prior notification with no refunds 2. All disputes arising will be dealt with in accordance to the laws of England and Wales (United Kingdom), irrespective of the business owner’s domicile country or country of trading activity. 3. Terms and conditions are legally binding agreement between the Concierge Angel and the business supplier. Each supplier who uses or accesses this site agrees to terms and conditions. Concierge Angel does not authorise businesses to register with Concierge Angel unless they are able to enter into legally binding contract.
Listings: 1. Concierge Angel is a platform for Suppliers and Customers to interact. By registering, business suppliers are obliged to agree to the terms and conditions laid out. 2. Concierge Angel enables businesses suppliers listing to advertise their services for provision and communication with potential customers. 3. Concierge Angel does not become, party to any contractual relationship between the Customer and the Business Supplier, and does not mediate between the Customers and the Supplier in the event of any dispute arising between them. 4. Business owners registering for FREE LISTINGS are not required to give any payment details and have no obligation to upgrade to a paid account. There is no notice period to cease free listing. 5. Concierge Angel has the right to amend any listings for data quality purposes. It is the responsibility of the business owner to regularly check their listing to ensure that all content is current and up-to-date. 6. Concierge Angel has the right to remove any listings (including images) that are irrelevant, offensive and/or exceed the packages quota with no refund of any fees paid and no prior notification. 7. Concierge Angel takes no responsibility for the accuracy of data contained within a business listing. The business owner takes responsibility for all information and images listed. All images uploaded are the responsibility of the business owner. All images with copyright must have appropriate licenses for use on www.conciergeangel.com/www.conciergeangel.co.uk. Concierge Angel takes no responsibility for images uploaded by Business owners. Business owners must hold appropriate licenses and by agreeing to the terms and conditions of listing accept full liability for uploading images. 8. Concierge Angel may optimise listings to be in keeping with the website theme. Sizing of media and photos may by optimised by Concierge Angel. No prior notification will be given and no responsibility will be held by Concierge Angel for loss of image quality or otherwise. 9. Concierge Angel takes no responsibility for Business owners listed and the services they provide and delivery of services. Users who find services via Concierge Angel have a contract with the business and not with Concierge Angel. Concierge Angel takes no responsibility for the services provided by business owners. Although all efforts are made to ensure all businesses are of good standing, listing does not constitute endorsement. Failure to deliver services will be the responsibility of the business providing the service. Concierge Angel will not provide any refunds to any concerned parties. Refunds must be obtained directly from the business owner. 10. Users listing businesses, whether it is for a free or paid package, agree they must have the appropriate authority to register business for listing.
Website: 1. Concierge Angel takes no responsibility for the functionality of any third party widgets used within its website, which may affect the functioning of its website in entirety. Concierge Angel accepts no loss, either monetary or reputational for any business advertised on its website due to the failure of functionality of the third party widgets used on its website.
Marketing: 1. Business owners will only be contacted for marketing purposes if they have opted-in to this preference.
Packages: 1. Business owners who sign up to paid packages must adhere to all stated requirements 2. For business owners who use a package, prices are subject to change at renewal with a notice period of 2 weeks and there will be an option to cease listing at this time. 3. All payment details are taken securely via Paypal. Concierge Angel accepts no liability for any payment errors arising from Paypal or its associated websites. 4. All event or package listings must be accurate and have availability stated by the business owner. 5. Package requirements must be met in order for Concierge Angel to fulfil its obligations i.e. Social media ‘welcomes’ these will automatically be done by Concierge Angel on Twitter, Facebook.
Reviews: 1. Concierge Angel takes no responsibility for reviews or feedback left for any listings. Reviews left must be honest and factual. Reviews deemed unsuitable will not be approved and posted. Concierge Angel will allow businesses to respond to any comments.
Blog: 1. All photos used in the blog are the property of Concierge Angel. Permission must be sought to use any of the photographs on other websites, or marketing material. Appropriate acknowledgment must be given to Concierge Angel for any pictures shared on social media.
- Concierge Angel will not take responsibility for copyright for any images supplied by businesses for use in the blog. Businesses sharing pictures are advised to ensure they have full copyright for Concierge Angel to share images prior to sharing. All images with copyright must have appropriate licenses for use on www.conciergeangel.com/www.conciergeangel.co.uk Submission of images allows Concierge Angel
- Concierge Angel takes no responsibility for the accuracy of data contained within blogs. Although every effort will be made to make sure blogs are factual, business owners takes responsibility for all information and images listed in sponsored blog post
- All Blog content, irrespective if sponsored, belong to Concierge Angel
- Blog posts may include sponsored content, reviews of products received on complementary basis.
- Sponsored blog posts will remain on the blog for a minimum of 1 year but may remain indefinitely and subject to terms and conditions.
Sponsored Social Media Posts
- Sponsored social media posts must not be offensive and comply with Concierge Angel policies
- Social media posts are non refundable if deemed unsuitable
- The extent of reach of Sponsored social media posts cannot be guaranteed
Copyright 1. All content on Concierge Angel is protected by copyright. Reproduction of content, text images is strictly prohibited.
Competitions 1. No purchase is necessary. 2. Competitions are open to all UK residents except our employees, the companies or organisations with whom the competition or offer is being run, their agents, or anyone directly connected with the promotion. 3. Competition suppliers are responsible for the provision of the prize. Concierge Angel will not be responsible for or have any liability for the provision of the prize. Suppliers reserve in all cases the right to replace the stated prizes with other prizes that are considered to be of broadly equivalent value. 4. There is no cash alternative for non-cash prizes, and prize winners must accept prizes in the form offered. 5. Prizes are not refundable or transferable. 6. The closing date for receipt of entries must be adhered to as stated in the competition. Any entries received after the closing date will not be entered into. 7. The winner will be drawn at random from all valid entries, and will be notified via mode of entry. 8. All entrants to competition are deemed to have accepted these rules and agree to be bound by them, and agree to any publicity that may arise including their name being used on websites, or social media at any time as a result of the competition. 9. Suppliers cannot be held responsible for the breakdown in communication systems that may result in an entry not being registered. 10. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 11. Winners will be selected at random from all entries. Prize may vary from images displayed. 12. Email entry will subscribe you the Concierge Angel mailing list if you have opted-in for marketing purposes. Email addresses will not be shared with third parties
Terms and conditions updated 14/05/18